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How to prepare for Digital marketing jobs in India

It is one field which refuses to die down like the others. Traditional marketing in its hay-days too took a hit when the markets slumped. Not so with the sphere of digital marketing. It continues to grow and sprout newer avatars EVERY DAY! And this is precisely what makes it so, so damned interesting! Yes, digital marketing is very unlike the traditional marketing which is dying a rather accelerated death. Here, life begins every minute and changes very often!

How then does one prepare for Digital marketing jobs in India?

In a field with such a vast scope and an equally vast competition, one has to take steps which include the following:

  1. Be sure you want to be in the field. For the same, do a SWOT analysis

Yes, it is big. But the flip side is that it is just as competitive and prone to changes like the skies near the equator. Being tech-heavy, things change at the speed of light and reflect, besides others, newer, better and cheaper ways of doing things as compared to how it was done a while back. That being the case everything one leans a while back (even a week back!) could be redundant at the press of a mouse-click! It is thus a field for people eager to learn newer things and change quickly according to times. Are you game for it? If you seem uncertain, we have a way around! Do a SWOT analysis of what is and what is likely to be of the digital marketing industry now, in the near future and the distant future. Do it meticulously as your career and a better part of your life may depend upon its results.

  1. Talk to known folks in the industry and find out what works, including the right qualifications

Careers do not change daily. And why should they? After-all you have spent days, months and years being where you are. Wouldn’t you want to grow further? To make things abundantly clear and focused, take time to speak to the known names in the field of digital marketing. To make the most of it, create your own check-list of questions you would like to ask the experts. Doing so would give you all your answers which perplex you about the industry. And yes, if your questions are thoughtful and smart, who knows you could simply impress a Digital Marketing Specialist to give you a job!

  1. Form a peer-group of known personalities

There is strength in numbers no doubt. And numbers give you multiple heads to analyze a situation. Digital Marketing is as yet an evolving field, especially in a big and diverse market such as India. In such a scenario, understanding its nuances from multiple angles, experiences and thoughts is always helpful. More clarity and better judgement comes to those who have more insights. And insights come to those who have people around them.

  1. Get a formal qualification from a known academy

There is as such and as of now, still no alternative to a formal degree in Digital Marketing from a known institute. A known academy, as opposed to a hole-in-the wall shall take all possible efforts to upgrade itself and its students on all aspects of Digital Marketing while remaining very contemporary and competitive. The field of Digital Marketing changes with the speed of light and anything learnt today shall become redundant in a few years’ time. That said, the ways to learn, analyze and grasp things about the field is what a good institute finally gives its students. And that remains the single-most important thing that motivates people to do well in a field as competitive and evolving as Digital Marketing.

  1. Invest in upgrading your skills from time to time: The field of Digital Marketing changes with the speed of light. What could be the preferred mode of advertising under it today could be long redundant in a month’s time. What anyone entering this field ought to do to stay relevant and competitive is to upgrade one’s knowledge and skills at regular intervals. It should be taken as a military drill else there is every chance of being left out and left dry.


  1. Test your skills in-house before trying it in jobs:

The field of Digital Marketing, despite its speed of change, calls for constant exercising and working. One can start the same in right earnest by trying to sell one’s own skills by adopting all the best practices in digitally marketing one’s own self! Next could be close friends, their good friends, close relations and so on. Initially, one can start off by simply concentrating on work and not expecting to be compensated. With time, experience and expertise, one can expect to be remunerated.

  1. Be open to change from an existing field to others in the same sphere

You have put immense efforts, resources including money and a considerable period of time but yet success seems elusive. The feeling of dejection is natural to set in. What this may call for could be heart-breaking. It could that you need to shift focus into something completely away from Digital Marketing. Yes, despite its charm and challenge, Digital Marketing may not favour everyone equally. In which case, it makes sense to find one’s calling someplace else.

Suggested Links:

Digital marketing trends 2018



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